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The Greatest Debtor to His Love and a Trophy of His Grace

The Greatest Debtor
What an amazing read! Once I started reading it, I could not put it down. Greatest Debtor is filled with stories of mind-numbing obstacles that are overshadowed by the power of a super natural faith.
A. Brumfield, New York, USA

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Why has the extraordinary life of Elewechi Ngozi Okike attracted attention from the BBC to the extent of her life’s ‘adventures’ being a BBC recorded feature?

“Your life is very dramatic and eventful.” – Sarah Hathaway, BBC Tyne

Find out as you read this book, which provides detailed insights into the ‘mystery’ behind Ngozi’s miraculous, extra-ordinary, dramatic and eventful life, portraying the unquestionable and undeniable faithfulness of God, and His power to save and deliver, ESPECIALLY in the most hopeless situations.

Pastor Ken Gott says, “Elewechi Ngozi Okike is a woman after God’s heart, who has touched many all over the world through her inspirational writings”.

This book reveals the secret behind her unquenchable passion for God, and the reason why she calls herself “The Greatest Debtor to His Love, and a trophy of the incredible grace of God”.

Do you need a miracle or breakthrough? How long have you waited for this miracle? Reading this book will help you better appreciate the fact that with God all things are possible. Weeping only endures for the night, but surely joy comes in the morning. God makes all things beautiful in His time, for all who continue to trust and not doubt.


Ngozi Okike (author) Dr. Ngozi Okike is an award-winning author, who has touched many all over the world through her inspirational writing. Her life, which has been described by a former BBC Reporter, as “dramatic and eventful”, continues to empower and inspire others. This book, The Greatest Debtor to His Love and a Trophy of His Gracehas had an incredible positive impact on many lives and has as a matter of fact saved two women from committing suicide after they read her story.

With over five decades of Christian ministry she is a motivational speaker, a counsellor, a life coach, mentor, wife, mother and grandmother, who has been married for over 41 years. She is an experienced counsellor, who has spent almost four decades in the higher education sector and has supported and mentored hundreds of young adults. Her counsel and guidance have restored positive mental health to students, saved numerous marriages and provided hope in situations that many considered irredeemable.

Ngozi likes to impact lives in meaningful and practical ways, hence she established Book Aid for Africa, as a UK Registered Charity in 2007. The Charity has been shipping thousands of books to different countries in Africa and helping to address the inadequacy in the provision of educational resources in Africa. You can find out more about the Charity by visiting www.bookaidforafrica.com

To find out more about Dr Ngozi Okike, visit www.ngoziokike.com


My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name(Luke 1: 46-49).

In Luke 7: 36-47 we read “And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she began to wash his feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil. Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he spoke to himself, saying, ‘This Man, if He were a prophet, would know who and what manner of woman this is touching Him, for she is a sinner’. And Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Simon, I have something to say to you’. So he said, ‘Teacher, say it’. ‘There was a certain creditor who had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both. Tell Me, therefore, which of them will love him more?’ Simon answered and said, ‘I suppose the one whom he forgave more’. And He said to him, ‘You have rightly judged’. Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon, ‘Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil. Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little”.

As I look over my life and see where I’m coming from and all that the Good Lord has done for me, and how so undeserving I am, I can rightly say that I am like the woman in Luke 7. I have been forgiven much more than I can even remember. The Lord has done so much in this life that even if every strand of my hair was converted into tongues, they can never compensate for the debt of love that I owe. Hence I regard myself as The Greatest Debtor to His Love, and a trophy of the incredible grace of God. We all know how we feel when someone sends us a Thank You card, writes us a letter of appreciation or makes that phone call to say ‘thank you’. Jesus also alluded to this when He healed ten lepers (Luke 17: 11-19) and only one (a Samaritan) came back to say thank you to Him. Jesus loves it when we have a thankful heart. Like the woman in Luke 7, this book is my ‘Alabaster Box’ containing precious ointments of my appreciation for His immeasurable love and faithfulness throughout my life. Through this INSPIRATIONAL book, I wash His feet with my tears of gratitude and wipe them with my praise; I kiss His feet with my songs of deliverance, and anoint them with my oil of worship, like fragrance pouring from my soul.

I had a real problem deciding what would be an appropriate title for this book. Should it be called My Alabaster Box? Or should I call it From a Thankful Heart, or A Debtor to His Love? Or should it be A Trophy of His Grace? It was difficult to decide. In the end the Holy Spirit gave the inspiration to call it not only A Debtor to His Love, but The Greatest Debtor to His Love … and a Trophy of His grace. Indeed, I regard myself as the greatest debtor to the love of God and a trophy of what the grace of God can accomplish in the life of a person. I may never fully comprehend why the Lord loves me the way He does, but one thing is certain, I AM EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for EVERYTHING He’s accomplished in my life. This book is my ‘Thank You’ card to the Lord for all He’s done, is doing, and will yet do in my life. I’m aware that it would be impossible for me to put down in this book everything He’s done. So, like King David in Psalm 139: 17-18, I declare ‘How precious also are your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand …’ David was a man who knew how to love and appreciate God Hence the Bible describes him as a man after God’s own heart. In Psalm 105: 1-3 he said “Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; MAKE KNOWN HIS DEEDS AMONG THE PEOPLES! Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; TALK OF HIS WONDROUS WORKS! Glory in His name; let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord!”. Indeed, this book is my attempt to make known His incredible deeds in my life and to talk of His wondrous works. I believe that everyone who reads this book cannot but rejoice and appreciate this Great and awesome God, to whom I’m privileged to belong. He’s my Father, and I love Him with an incredible passion. In this book, I’m breaking my ‘alabaster box’ of gratitude and asking everyone who reads it to join me in praising God. I also believe that for many who are trusting God for a miracle or breakthrough in their lives, after reading this book, they’d be strengthened in their faith and encouraged to believe that with God all things are possible. Weeping only endures for the night, but surely joy comes in the morning, and I’m a living testimony to that. God makes all things beautiful in His time, and I believe that for all who will continue to trust and not doubt, God will come through for them because He’s faithful, and will reward those who diligently seek Him.

Elewechi Ngozi Okike


This book is a testimony to the true workings of love, devotion and sheer determination. After reading this most inspirational book about a most exceptional person, I felt greater strength in facing the difficult challenges in my life’s path. This book is a gift that keeps giving. I recommend it for everyone!

Beatriz Africano, Jordan

I’m usually not a fast reader; however, I could not put this book down until I finished it. It’s such an incredible book that I’ve had to buy one for my pastor. I also plan to read it all over again. I’ve been really challenged! Everyone must read this book, which also appeals to a wide audience.

Margaret John

I have read many books in the past but the title of this book says it all. ‘The greatest debtor’ is so inspiring, challenging and so easy to read and understand. I could not put the book down until I finished reading it. It has encouraged me to see any challenge in my life in a different way – God always comes through. I encourage many to read this book.

Juliet Ozuzu

I read the Greatest Debtor in approximately four hours. This book serves as an incredible insight into the life and passion of Dr. Okike. She was able to articulate her personal feelings such that I felt all the emotions along with her. I felt like I was sitting in front of a fire place listening to her talk to me in person. The total dependence on God in itself is a testimony to the kind of peace that only the Savior can give. This was an awesome read and a great testimony of faith. I highly recommend this book to all audiences.

Okey Nkama, Cypress Texas, USA

The story of Elewechi Ngozi Okike life is a great inspiration!! When I was reading this book, I was going through a few struggles with my final year degree and my personal life. Reading how Dr Okike came through these troubles, was only because of the strong faith she had in Jesus. This gave me the encouragement to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and keep pushing forward. I believe If Dr Okike can go through what she did, and because of the faith she has in Jesus, she has become the person she is today; we can also take inspiration from this and make an impact in our lives and our community.

Tania Ajiboye, Sunderland, UK

This book serves as a useful reminder of God’s faithfulness – even in the days of our ignorance. No matter what we are going through we can be rest assured that He who has promised is more than able to make good his promises. The beauty of these promises is revealed in this book and every reader will surely be able to identify with the challenges of Dr Okike. The book has been a blessing to me and I know that no matter what I am going through, no matter the darkness that surrounds me; there is light at the end of the tunnel. Help is just round the corner!

Dipo Oyenola, London, UK

I found myself captivatingly engrossed with reading an extraordinary incredible story of courage, faith, passion, perseverance and God’s favour. I could not but read over again and again! The eventful life of Elewechi Ngozi Okike is indeed an assertion and confirmation of God’s word in Phil 4:13 that ” I can do all things through Christ…” I was challenged, encouraged and inspired to see opportunity, breakthrough and success in every difficulty! I encourage anyone who desires greatness and success to read this must-read motivational story. It will no doubt wet your appetite to dare all odds; strengthen your nerves to face challenges; and feed you with determination to overcome.

Mrs Faith Aderemi-Davidson (Director, Dawagold Consultancy, UK)

Dr. Okike has a gift for telling her story in a succinct yet profound way. This book has not only inspired me, but it has challenged my thinking and way I view life. I plan to revisit this book again and again. Greatest Debtor is for every male and female both young and old who has experienced, is experiencing or will experience seemingly insurmountable trials, devastating disappointment or life-threatening encounters. I am ordering extra copies to share with friends because I can’t help but share this beacon of hope and inspiration with those I care about.

A. Brumfield, New York, USA

Thank God for the life of the author of this book. Once I started reading it, I could not stop reading and read the whole book within a day. I pray that this book circulates far and wide as people need to be inspired to give their all to God and never to give up on one’s dreams. God is faithful to His own.

Olayinka Ekenkwo, Toronto, Canada

An honest and revealing story of the author which is a spiritual awakening.


This book is an inspiration to me. It is simply awesome. A book that must be read by anyone who has gone through life experience with difficulties. I am glad I read it.

Franca Emecheta

An amazing read….what more can I say but buy it and read it for yourself and be sure to be challenged in every way possible.


This is a modern day “Pilgrim’s Pogress” written by a committed Christian who puts her trust in our Lord God in every experience of life, be it sad or joyful. It is written with authentic honesty and passion which allows the reader to see the story in ones mind’s eye. It is a testimony to the constancy of God’s love which surrounds us all the time-“seek and ye shall find”. A compelling read, both in style and content, I cannot recommend it more highly-you will not put it down.

Mrs Nwabueze Nwokolo, Racial Justice Advocate

This is definitely a very inspiring and challenging book, worthy of recommendation to everyone looking for real life inspiration.

Aina Osunkunle

Elewechi’s book is written with brutal honesty and passion. You can feel her sadness, her pain, her joy and ultimately, her utter brokenness in the presence of God. It is a story of steely determination, perseverance, hard work and complete trust in God. Elewechi has not allowed life to happen to her-she has proactively engaged with the dance of life with great courage, drive and persistence. It is the story of an uncrushable spirit and a healthy self esteem.The only way to demolish evil is by challenging it. Discrimination of any kind be it because of ones faith/religion, race or gender etc is the present day evil which we must challenge. Elewechi’s book equips us with the courage to do so and reaffirms ones firmly held belief that the God we worship is a compassionate Deity. You will not put it down until you get to the last page after which you will go back and read again, certain chapters. The combination of content and writing style makes this compulsive reading.

Nwabueze Nwokolo nee JajaWachuku, Racial Justice Advocate and Equality and Diversity practitioner

This book demonstrates the true meaning of unconditional and persevering love.

Chikezie Okike

I bought Dr Okike’s book and found it very interesting indeed. She tells about where they grew up and the school they went to. She also tells us about the hard life they had when they first came to England. She says that without her faith in Jesus the book would not have been published. I learned a lot about Dr Okike and her family by reading the book. Why not buy the book and read it for yourselves? Tell your friends and family about it so they can have this special book on their shelves or give it as a gift for Christmas or a birthday.

Barbara Weightman, Newcastle, UK

God is always there and we are all debtors to his undying love and unmerited favour………that is what this books reminds you of.

Emmanuel Adegbite, Northumbria University

This book has challenged every area of my life and will be used as a manual to get through impossible situations.

Helmut Okike

First time ever I read a book cover to cover. Its a great book. Never knew why I had to read. But while reading I can relate myself to the author in many ways. An honest and revealing story of how the author went through in her life but it is a spiritual awakening.


The book I’ve been reading which I find very interesting is a new book, THE GREATEST DEBTOR TO HIS LOVE AND A TROPHY OF HIS GRACE by Elewechi Ngozi Okike. I find this book an eye opener to the extent that satan can go to show that he’s master of this world. It is a book of testomonies, a great encouragement to believers. It teaches a lesson on perseverance and determination. That Dr Mrs Okike is truly an overcomer in God is an understatement. God has used her to encourage us readers that where there is a will, there is a way. As a servant of God and a writer, I pray for the anointing to remain with her to produce more books that will help to address issues that so often cause us to despair. I was richly blessed. Thank God!

Mrs Gloria Softly, Sunderland, UK

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Rated Reviews

The Greatest Debtor to His Love and a Trophy of His Grace SKU UPC Model

Wow! What an amazing book!

Muna Iloguon May 03, 2014

"The Greatest Debtor to His Love and a Trophy of His Grace" is a book so wonderfully written. It brought to my attention that one should trust in the Lord always no matter what our troubles may be. Thank you for writing such an inspiring book Aunty Elewechi. We are so proud of you. Thanks for sharing your experience with us, it was an eye opener. It brought to light Psalm 23 verse 4 NIV (Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me).
God bless....Mrs Muna Ilogu, UK, Ghana...

A amazing book indeed!!

Mrs.Peju ADENIRANon Mar 13, 2014

Dr. Ngozi E .OKIKE shared the story of her life in \'\'THE GREATEST DEBTOR TO HIS LOVE AND A TROPHY OF HIS GRACE\'\' and one cannot but marvel at the demonstration of God\'s power her life. Today , she has a story and a song because she relied on her GOOD SHEPHERD to see her through the many trials and tribulations contained in the book . I have no doubt that hearts and lives would be touched through this book and if anyone is wondering if GOD is still in the business of miraculously delivering His own, this book is for you !!!!!!!
Thank you and remain blessed ..... Dr . Ngozi OKIKE .xx

Mrs.Peju ADENIRAN....Lincoln , U.K.

5.0 5.0 2 2 "The Greatest Debtor to His Love and a Trophy of His Grace" is a book so wonderfully written. It brought to my attention that one should trust in the Lord always no matter what our The Greatest Debtor to His Love and a Trophy of His Grace

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