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The book examines what a kingdom man looks like in his relationship with God, in his home, in his ministry, business, the community and so on. You will definitely know him by his fruits. He is a man of prayer, a worshipper, purpose driven, a lover of God, and selfless. He has an insatiable desire to please God.

With over five decades of Christian Ministry, Dr Elewechi Ngozi Okike has touched many lives through her inspirational writings. She is a pastor, an evangelist, an award-winning author and a motivational speaker, who is passionate about seeing Christians develop a deep and meaningful relationship with God and fulfil their calling to become ambassadors of God’s kingdom on earth. Dr Okike has worked within the higher education sector for almost four decades. She is a consultant and a much sought-after conference speaker.
Dr Okike has also authored The Greatest Debtor to His Love and a Trophy of His Grace, Your New Life(1st and 2nd editions), Living for Purpose, The Torch Bearer, How I Stood Up to Cancer, Are You a Kingdom Woman?, Life’s Lessons from a Collection of Donkey Stories and Together Forever: 15 Secrets to Life-long Marriage, amongst others. She is passionate about making a difference in the lives of others and showing the love of Jesus in practical ways. This is reflected in all her writings.
Her desire to make a difference in the lives of others led to the establishment of BOOK AID FOR AFRICA, a UK registered Charity that is addressing the imbalance in educational provision in Africa. She has had radio and TV interviews about her “dramatic and eventful” life, as described by a former BBC Reporter, and the charity work she does with Book Aid for Africa.
To find out more, visit
Although all those who endorsed my book, ‘Are You a Kingdom Woman?’ indicated that the book was appropriate for both men and women, because of the title, most men have been hesitant to pick up the book for themselves. Some of the men that purchased the book, did so for their wives. However, given the importance of the subject matter, the burden to write the version for men has been very strong. I knew I could not avoid it, and so I am delighted to be writing this book to inspire male believers to become all that they were destined to be.
Like the version for women, the title of this version for men is also in the form of a question, ‘Are You a Kingdom Man?’ This is because it requires every man who reads the book to answer the question sincerely and realistically. It demands some soul-searching and hopefully by the time the male reader gets to the end of the book, he should be sure of the answer to the question, ‘who is a ‘kingdom man’? and what distinguishes him from any other man? What kingdom are we referring to here? It is anticipated that by the time we have answered these questions, there will be no doubt in our minds as to what we mean by ‘a kingdom man’.
The Church of Jesus Christ has preached all sorts of messages, doctrines, sermons on faith, healing, prosperity, heaven and hell, how to fulfil your dreams, and so on. Indeed, these are all part of the kingdom message. However, the gospel of the kingdom of God has not occupied the pride of place it ought to have. Yet Jesus, whom we all seek to emulate, preached nothing else but the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven. All His parables were used to explain kingdom principles and the kingdom life. What a difference it would make in the church if we all simply went back to basics, to educate ourselves all over again about what the kingdom life is about, and what we have been saved to do.
At the start of Jesus’ ministry in Matthew 4, we read that He left Nazareth and went to Galilee and began to preach saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). What was He trying to say here? We shall be exploring this later in this book. We also find that whilst He was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He found Simon Peter and his brother fishing. He called them to follow Him, and they left their nets and followed Him. So also did the two sons of Zebedee, James and John. What happened next? We are told in Matthew 4:23 that “Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of diseases among the people”. He was not preaching about ‘how to heal the sick’. He preached the gospel of the kingdom, and then began to heal the sick. This tells me that when people understand what the kingdom of God is about, they would understand that sickness and disease are not part of this kingdom Jesus was talking about, and when their understanding is enlightened it becomes easier for them to get healed.
As we continue further into Matthew’s gospel, we find in chapters 5, 6, 7 and so on that followed, that Jesus began to teach the people about this kingdom; how this kingdom operates and what it looks like to live in this kingdom. For example, in this kingdom if someone “slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also” (Matthew 5:39). In other words, you don’t fight back if someone hits you. This book explores these principles and concepts of the kingdom.
Also, in Matthew 9:35 we read “Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people”. Here again we find the same pattern; He preached the gospel of the kingdom and then healed all sicknesses and diseases. Could it be that we are not seeing much miracles in our churches today because we have stopped preaching the gospel of the kingdom?
The Apostle Paul was responsible for over half of the contents of the New Testament. So, what did he preach? We read in the LAST TWO verses of Acts 28:30-31 ‘Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him’. In other words, the Apostle Paul preached the gospel of the kingdom of God. This tells me that we are meant to teach people about God’s kingdom. It is my sincere prayer that this book will get us back on track.
This book focuses on men in this kingdom. What does a kingdom man look like? Does Jesus say anything about kingdom men? Yes, He did, all His disciples learnt so much about the kingdom of God from Him, and we see how they went about putting into practice all they learnt from Jesus about the kingdom of God. We shall be looking at these in this book.
Every man who is ‘born again’ and sincerely desires to live a fulfilled life, the kind of life that Jesus left His throne in heaven to bequeath to us, must read this book. Are you not tired of just keeping the motion and living a mundane life? Why are we not experiencing ‘heaven on earth’? Where have we gone wrong? The bible says in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. It is my prayer that the life of every man that reads this book will be radically changed forever. It is time for us as kingdom men to rise up and begin to live and walk in our kingdom authority. God has overlooked our days of ignorance (Acts 17:30).
Although this book focuses on men, it is not exclusively for men, and nothing prevents a woman from reading it. As a matter of fact, every believing woman ought to read it as well so they can gain insights too about what a kingdom man looks like. More importantly, every married woman after reading this book should hopefully discover how best to support her husband to live the kingdom life.
Elewechi Ngozi Okike
“ Elewechi Ngozi Okike is an evangelist and a teacher. This book “Are You a Kingdom Man?” is not written only for men, it is a revelation thoughtfully set in a refreshing prose of God’s priority for every Christian. Kingdom life is at the heart of God and should be our earnest pursuit. I recommend this book to the whole body of Christ.“
Reverend Dr Peter Adegbie MICC Chapel of Light Sunderland
“ Are You A Kingdom Man? authored by Dr. Elewechi Ngozi Okike is simple, concise but highly inspiring to challenge the nonchalant attitude with which many Christians today take the scriptural injunction of the kingdom lifestyle and message that was central (and still is) to the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ, who is our Model. In the book, the key principles of the kingdom as Jesus Christ intended it, are well articulated. The book is a treasure chest of insight of what it means to be a kingdom man. Although the title is suggestive the focus is on men, but it is not at all exclusive to men. I, therefore, do wholeheartedly endorse this work and commend it to all who seek to fulfil the great commission mandate of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to make disciples. “
Apostle (Dr) John B. Ameobi The Apostolic Church, Newcastle, UK
“We are happy and honoured to endorse this excellent book.
‘Are You a Kingdom Man?’ contains a thorough overview of kingdom understanding from God’s creation plans in Genesis through to the kingdom parables of Jesus. It paints the big picture of God’s great plans and purposes for His people but, specifically encourages and challenges men to rise up and reach their full potential in Christ.
Highly recommended! “
Pastors Stuart and Irene Bell, Senior Pastors Alive Church, Lincoln, UK
“This book communicates the essence of purpose driven mindedness of how to become a kingdom man by faith through the process of conforming to the higher calling lifestyle, which is the substance of spiritual transformation, with the deep insights of the true meaning of who we are and whose we are as believers.“
Pastor Sarah Benzoe, Senior Pastor World Harvest Christian Centre, Manchester Founder/Publisher of Outstanding Woman Magazine
“Dr Okike has produced a masterpiece for this generation and generations to come. As a Christian pastor, husband, educator and mentor, this resourceful book equips everyone to think through tough real-life issues. A must read!“
Pastor Gbolahan Bright MBE, Senior Pastor The Master’s Santuary The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Romford, UK
“This book provides a clear overview of Jesus’s core message namely ‘The Kingdom of God’. Weaving together the Bible’s narrative from the Old and New Testament the reader is able to clearly apply this teaching for life! Suitable for personal and group study this book will help you prosper and grow as a Christian. I warmly and wholeheartedly recommend it.“
Pastor Tim Brown, Lead Pastor Destiny Church, Newcastle, UK
“Dr Okike writes with simplicity and clarity explaining the kingdom of God and how to live life as one of God’s subjects. Man or woman, this book will inspire, provoke and encourage your walk with the Lord and hasten the fulfilment of Jesus’ great prayer – “Your kingdom come on earth as in heaven”. It will be a great help to those wanting to go deeper in understanding the ‘Kingdom of God’. I wholeheartedly recommend it!“
Pastor Tim Dunnett, Senior Pastor Bethshan Church, Sunderland, UK
“As believers, every single one of us is called by God to establish His Kingdom and to expand it here on earth. As Dr Okike points out in this thoroughly edifying book, we achieve this by being ambassadors of the King and adopting a Kingdom lifestyle that will enable the leaven of the Kingdom to be inserted into the dough of society thus effecting the whole lump.
It is one thing to know this principle but quite another thing to become an effective practitioner and actually see ‘His Kingdom Come’, that is why a book such as this is so important. Once you have read it there is no doubt in my mind that you will desire to be used by God to see His kingdom established here on earth in every sector of society.
I highly recommend this book as a handbook to be used by all who are serious about living a Kingdom lifestyle,“
Pastor Ken Gott House of Prayer Europe, Sunderland
“In her unique literary style, Elewechi Ngozi Okike has done it again, using her spiritual inspiration to captivate her audience and readers to see the Bible as the constitution of the Kingdom of God just as the constitution of a nation, of a government, or of a kingdom in our contemporary World. Using exegesis, she opined that the Bible is a book to be read, practised, obeyed and live by on a daily basis, imbibing its tradition, culture and values thus impacting and informing Christian behaviours, rather than a religious book to be observed only on “holy” days.
The focus on the Kingdom man is especially needful because of the uniqueness of the role of a man in the furtherance of God’s objective for a family, a community, a nation and even also, the Kingdom of God.
I commend this book to men as a must-read, and especially to women, as you would be able to understand and help your sons, your husbands, your fathers and your brothers to fulfil their God given roles of fathering nations for God and extending His Kingdom on the earth.“
Pastor Banjo Oluwatula, Senior Pastor The King’s Castle Church, Newcastle, UK