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One of the most dreaded words in our everyday parlance is ‘cancer’. And one of the worst experiences one could have is to be diagnosed with the disease. Usually when someone is told that they have cancer, their whole world falls apart; everything changes, and a big battle begins. How do you react to such news? How do you prepare yourself for the journey into the unknown that you’re about to embark upon?
Whilst cancer is truly a dreadful disease, should we always cower to it? Can we stand up to it? In this book, How I Stood Up to Cancer, Elewechi provides a detailed account of the ‘drama’ that unfolded when she woke up one morning and discovered a lump in her breast, and the series of events that followed. It is one thing to be suddenly diagnosed with such a horrendous disease as Cancer but to also be told that it’s one of a rare kind is yet another blow to any human mind. Yet she faced this giant with courage, bravery and a strong leaning on God.
There are many who have faced this challenge of similar or even less magnitude and unfortunately did not live to testify about their comeback from the disease. However, as a result of her standing up to this giant, she not only conquered but is now living to tell about the journey and how others can be victorious too. In each chapter she brings hope and assurance that it does not matter how grievous and bad the situation is, you can overcome it. Dr. Okike’s tremendous strength and tenacity to face this giant head on and win goes to show why she is so passionate about helping others by sharing her story.
One thing about the book is how Elewechi carefully describes and explains in a layman’s language, the intricate processes that the medical personnel have to go through in reaching a diagnosis and formulating a management plan. She also gives insights into the process you may go through, as well as some important spiritual and health advice. She is honest and open about her emotions and her struggle to find God’s way forward in the storm. Her story will inspire and inform you. Dr Okike is truly a woman of faith. For those needing courage and inspiration, this book is a must read.
One enduring message which is summed up in this book, that even recent advances in medical sciences is not privy to is the power of the human spirit, and how it relates to events of our life particularly in the outcome of difficult events. Although Dr Okike has used her personal challenge, breast cancer, as the underlying premise for this book, the principles expressed in it are applicable to any type of disease, whether malignant or not. As a matter of fact, they are applicable to any challenges we face in life as men or women.
Whether or not you are a person of faith, and it does not matter what faith, whether you have been treated or receiving treatment for any form of cancer or going through any form of challenges in your life currently or you just want something to encourage and uplift your spirit, this book is for you. The book is a heart-warming read, really arresting and life inspiring for everyone. The lives of anyone who picks up this book will be changed forever. It’s remarkable; it’s encouraging, and totally life-changing.

Dr.Elewechi Ngozi Okike is a woman who writes from her personal experiences, through which she empowers and inspires others. She is an award-winning author, who has touched many all over the world through her inspirational writings. This book, How I Stood Up to Cancer is one of the ways she has been empowering and inspiring many to believe that they can overcome any challenges they face in life. With over five decades of Christian ministry she is a motivational speaker, an award-winning author, a counsellor, a life coach, mentor, wife, mother and grandmother, who has been married for over 41 years. She is an experienced counsellor, who has spent almost four decades in the higher education sector and has supported and mentored hundreds of young adults. Her counsel and guidance have restored positive mental health to students, saved numerous marriages and provided hope in situations that many considered irredeemable.
Elewechi likes to impact lives in meaningful and practical ways, hence she established Book Aid for Africa, as a UK Registered Charity in 2007. The Charity has been shipping thousands of books to different countries in Africa and helping to address the inadequacy in the provision of educational resources in Africa. You can find out more about the Charity by visiting
To find out more about Dr Elewechi Ngozi Okike, visit
“ This is a truly unique and moving book. It is one that takes the reader through a private and daunting journey, which many take but almost always remains unspoken.
One enduring message which is summed up in this book, that even recent advances in medical sciences is not privy to is the power of the human spirit, and how it relates to events of our life particularly in the outcome of difficult events.
Time and time again the author stresses that she would not let her condition disrupt her life adversely or stop her life from normal activity. Her working right through the entire radiotherapy treatment and also having minimal reaction from the therapy evidences this. A general observation I made for quite some time now as someone who sees hundreds annually is that often you can tell those who will do well by their courage and fearless spirit. As a result, this book has ministered to me personally and also I am certain there is something unique there for all who read it.“
Mr Obi Iwuchukwu, FRCS FRCS (Gen) MD
Consultant Breast & Oncoplastic Surgeon, Sunderland Royal Hospital, UK
“ Breast cancer is a devastating diagnosis to give a patient as a doctor. It is life changing when it affects you personally, causing you to reflect on many things, including family life, personal goals and your own mortality.
As a consultant physician and a husband, whose wife received a breast cancer diagnosis, Dr. Okike’s book is very resonant in my own life.
She is honest and open about her emotions and her struggle to find God’s way forward in the storm. Her story will inspire and inform you. She gives insights into the process you may go through, as well as some important spiritual and health advice.
On a personal level, l can recommend Dr. Okike as a woman of God who lives as she writes – full of passion and determined to help others along the journey. “
Dr. Andrew Davies (consultant physician) MB BS FRCPE
“ This is indeed a fascinating read, really arresting and life inspiring. “
Dr Goke Aiyegbayo, MD Rickleton Medical Centre, Washington, UK
“ A diagnosis of breast cancer is devastating for any one. In this book Dr Elewechi Okike describes how her close family network and strong faith helped to equip her with the strength to be able to work through her individual breast cancer journey and beyond and is now able to share her experience within this book with the aim of helping others in the future. As her Macmillan Breast Care Nurse I was in a privileged position to help support her throughout this challenging time. “
Michelle Derbyshire
Macmillan Breast care Nurse
“ From a pathologist’s point of view making the diagnosis of this unusual type of breast cancer was a challenge.
The book is a heart-warming read for everyone, giving the reader a close perspective of someone suffering from cancer and a real feel how the strength of human spirit and character can help to beat the disease. “
Dr Mona Jain, MD(path),MRCPath
Consultant Histopathologist.
“ It is with great pleasure I recommend another book from Elewechi Ngozi Okike. Her life story is always full of surprises and the Lord has used her testimonies to inspire many to overcome where they would have succumbed. Jesus changes lives and this book will inspire you to trust him in the face of cancer. The world needs to hear that cancer bows before the name of Jesus. Read on! “
Pastor (Dr) Timothy Dunnett
Senior Pastor Bethshan Church
“ Elewechi Ngozi Okike is truly a woman of faith. In this book she tells of her battle against rare cancer and how she triumphed. For those needing courage and inspiration, this book is a must read. “
Pastor Ken Gott
Senior Apostle Bethshan Church
“ I am absolutely elated to endorse Dr. Elewechi Okike’s latest book; “How I stood up to Cancer”.
As I began to read through the chapters, I was so captivated by this personal real life challenging experience that I could not stop reading until I read the whole book in one sitting. Never have I encountered such a woman who time and time again has exemplified what it truly means to live and exhibit a life of total faith in the true and Living God. It is one thing to be suddenly diagnosed with such a horrendous disease as Cancer but to also be told that it’s one of a rare kind is yet another blow to any human mind. Yet she faced this giant with courage, bravery and a strong leaning on God.
There are many who have faced this challenge of similar or even less magnitude and unfortunately did not live to testify about their comeback from the disease. I am sincerely grateful to God for this amazing overcomer. However, as a result of her standing up to this giant, she not only conquered but is now living to tell about the journey and how others can be victorious too.
Three distinct outlooks I discovered through out her incredible journey is her ability to embrace the challenge with such positive attitude, absolute faith and trust in God to get her through this, and her declaration. She consciously made a decision that this diagnosis was not going to get the best of her. She then embarked on relying on God’s promises and standing firmly with confidence on God’s Word. Lastly, she chose to declare what God’s positive word said and not the negative report.
I admire not only the careful narration of details of her journey, but also in each chapter she brought hope and assurance that it does not matter how grievous and bad the situation is, you can overcome it. Dr. Okike’s tremendous strength and tenacity to face this giant head on and win goes to show why she is so passionate about helping others by sharing her story.
The most intriguing chapter amongst many others was chapter 4: “Life at the ward”. She was in the valley of the shadow of death, none could go with her except the One who never leaves us and never forsakes us. This was a defining moment for her, life could go one way or the other, but she stood firm and at that very moment God gave her “Life at the Word”. His Word sustained her. While reading this particular chapter which also brought me to tears, I was reminded of a very powerful scripture found in Proverbs 4:22, “for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body”. It describes how we are to pay attention to the Word of God, embrace it and tuck His Word in our hearts. His Word brings health to our whole body.
Isn’t it just like God to not only take you through a gruesome ordeal but He always brings you out greater than when you went in, hence taking this victory all the way to the British Medical Journal. It is now written, recorded and firmly established that what a loving and caring God did in Dr. Okike’s life, can never be forgotten for years to come and lives will be changed as a result; bringing glory to God.
I commend Dr. Okike for her heartfelt story of how she defeated a giant called Cancer that stood in the way to disrupt her destiny. I have no doubt that the lives of anyone who picks up this book will be changed forever. It’s remarkable; it’s encouraging, and totally life-changing. “
Dr. Chidi M. Kalu
President Light Strategic Coaching Windermere, Florida